John J. Pizale, BSc, JD
John J. Pizale, BSc, JD
John is a member of the Law Society of Ontario. He is the former President of a major Canadian real estate developer and was a Managing Partner of a prominent Toronto based law firm. He also formerly served as a Member of the Board of Trustees of a $1 billion Canadian pension fund and is a former Principal of a leading private media and internet company. As Fundscraper’s General Counsel, John provides general legal and strategic business advice related to everyday operations and corporate growth.


First, a bit of the history of Accounting – one that is thousands of years old. Its ancient roots go back to Mesopotamia and weave through societies in India, Egypt, the Roman Empire, the countries of the United Kingdom, America and on and on.

 Early Accounting emerged from bartering and trade and was essentially a bookkeeping exercise. In the 15th Century Venice was a major centre of trade and commerce and it was there that the mathematician monk, Luca Pacioli, did the spade work for modern Accounting. His treatise, while not an invention in itself, was a digest of scholarly work to that time and which laid the footings for today’s methods of recording financial data and ultimately the birth of a proud profession.

 Through the era of colonialism, with the development of creatures called corporations and today’s global world of free and open markets, Accounting Professionals continue to be indispensable. They are the successors and gatekeepers to long tested and honourable traditions.


Members of the Accounting Profession occupy a unique and well deserved respected place in Western Society’s business community. Enviably, they are regarded as knowledgeable and trustworthy in all things financial.

Your clients invariably rely on you for tax, insurance, estate planning and business advice. You mostly deal with people with sufficient assets and their tax returns are invariably a good place to start. Issues of corporate structure, family succession, tax drag, dividends and profits (never losses!) are some of the everyday topics you face in advising your individual clients.

 Not to be forgotten, is the role Accounting Professionals play as investment advisors. Unlike some wealth managers, you do not earn commissions and have the advantage of dispensing independent counsel.

All in all, when it comes to financial affairs, Accounting Professionals are the quintessential confidantes. 


Most Accounting Professionals have more than a rudimentary understanding of the intricacies of the real estate industry. So this paper is not intended to cover what for most of you are redundant subjects. Suffice it to say:
  • Real Estate is a hard permanent asset (you can kick it) – as such, there are potential tax benefits through depreciation and other interest expense deductions for investment property;
  • Diversification of your portfolio with Real Estate backed investing will potentially balance out the vagaries and unpredictable fluctuations in public securities markets – since private real estate is not publicly traded on a stock exchange, valuations are generally based upon appraisals, which can impact the correlation with public stocks and bond indexes;
  • Real Estate can provide a regular fixed income steam over a set time frame – if the contracted rental rates are adjustable for inflation, then it can serve as a meaningful hedge against inflation; and
  • Real Estate secured Investing, when managed well, will ideally pay off in the long term and at the same time maintain premium risk weighted returns that can combine benefits of capital appreciation and income.


Recognizing the intersection between the two disciplines of Accounting and Financial Planning, Accounting Professionals are ideally positioned to quarterback the entire investment playbook for themselves and their clients; including liaison with other experts i.e. bankers, asset managers, stock brokers and lawyers.

You all know about the golden rules of Accounting, those Generally, Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) which form the cornerstones of the authoritative standards by which Accounting Professionals conduct their affairs.

Let’s add a new one – Help create wealth by helping clients consider diversifying their investment portfolios with Real Estate Backed Investments!”


Accounting Professionals are skilled with numbers, but remember the arithmetic often tells only part of the story. Strategic investing requires more and that’s where Fundscraper comes in. As the late famed American broadcaster, Paul Harvey, might  say – Fundscraper will tell you the “rest of the story”. And so let Fundscraper help you and your clients strategize wealth creation strategies with attractive real estate investments.

Please visit Fundscraper’s website at for the full story.

In the meantime, consider the following:

  • Fundscraper opens up private opportunities for qualified investors not typically available to the vast majority of investors;
  • With Fundscraper you will be in capable and trustworthy hands. It is an Exempt Market Dealer and registered Mortgage Broker licenced by the Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (“FSRA”) respectively;
  • Fundscraper uses cutting edge technology to facilitate online Real Estate focused Investing;
  • Fundscraper’s team is comprised of experienced experts in all facets of its business, who underwrite the deals with a level of care and sophistication based off of decades of institutional experience; and
  • You and your clients can access key underwriting information and make informed decisions with Fundscraper doing the heavy lifting. A real concierge desk will help Fundscraper users at every step of the way.


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